Our Dearest Batman, Caped Crusader, B-Man, Batty Boy.....
I got the call this afternoon. "We're running out of options to help him breathe better. Maybe you should come by and see him to make a call...".
See I have asthma Batty Boy so I know that you were in pain now. Seeing you in your little Oxygen tank, still struggling to breathe, was all it took to make the decision to let you go free.
You tried to stand up and put your wobbly little head out the hole of the O2 tank. You gave me a quick kiss with your white tongue and laid back down.
I could have made no other decision at that point. When you came into the room so I could hold you one last time and visit with you for a minute....we had to call the Doc back in to help you get to a painfree place, where you could run and be the pup I know you are. You could barely focus out of the tank and I wouldn't put it off any longer.
My heart is in pain Batman. I love like my own, and always will. I called all of your friends who have been cheering you on for success, they want you to know they adored you. They are the reason I gave extra kisses and hugs.
Just so you know...
You're heart will get to be studied. The doctors would like to know how to fix this if it happens again in the future. You were a first for the Medical field and will be a light of hope for others.
That's my Batman....the pup with a huge heart.
I love you, run free....
I got the call this afternoon. "We're running out of options to help him breathe better. Maybe you should come by and see him to make a call...".
See I have asthma Batty Boy so I know that you were in pain now. Seeing you in your little Oxygen tank, still struggling to breathe, was all it took to make the decision to let you go free.
You tried to stand up and put your wobbly little head out the hole of the O2 tank. You gave me a quick kiss with your white tongue and laid back down.
I could have made no other decision at that point. When you came into the room so I could hold you one last time and visit with you for a minute....we had to call the Doc back in to help you get to a painfree place, where you could run and be the pup I know you are. You could barely focus out of the tank and I wouldn't put it off any longer.
My heart is in pain Batman. I love like my own, and always will. I called all of your friends who have been cheering you on for success, they want you to know they adored you. They are the reason I gave extra kisses and hugs.
Just so you know...
You're heart will get to be studied. The doctors would like to know how to fix this if it happens again in the future. You were a first for the Medical field and will be a light of hope for others.
That's my Batman....the pup with a huge heart.
I love you, run free....
I'll see you at that bridge my little SuperHero~