Wednesday, February 18, 2009

RIP Dogs/Pups...Go to Hell Ed Faron and HSUS

**This is what happens to innocent dogs when you decide to participate in Dog Fighting. I blame Ed Faron for being a piece of shit human being and the HSUS for deciding ALL of these dogs (yes, even newborns) should be killed because of a fate they did not ask for, and not allowing Rescue Groups to evaluate ANY of the dogs in this case after determining it would be a waste of money that no one has. Who gave them this kind of power to decide for the rest of us???....I am OUTRAGED! RIP Dogs/Pups, I am sorry we failed you. Run Free now**


Seized dogs to be euthanized
by Staff

Superior Court Judge Ed Wilson ordered this morning that 127 pit bulldogs seized in a Dec. 10, 2008 raid in Wilkes County be euthanized. The dogs were seized at Wildside Kennels on Mertie Road near Millers Creek. The judge heard arguments from several individuals in Wilkes Superior Court, including representatives form the Humane Society of the United States and the prosecutor, that the dogs would pose a threat if adopted into families. Members of several animal advocacy groups, as well as individuals, had asked to be allowed to adopt the dogs. The ownership of the dogs was awarded to the county when the owner of Wildside Kennels, Ed Faron, 61, of Mertie Road failed to pay the county for the care of the animals. Faron was sentenced to 8 to 10 months in prison last week after pleading guilty to 14 counts of felony dog fighting.­ Donni Juan Casanova, 18, was given a suspended sentence of six to eight months after entering a guilty plea of to one count of felony dog fighting. Casanova is the adopted son of Faron. The third defendant in the case, Amanda Grace Lunsford, 25, was sentenced this morning to 45 days, suspended for 24 months of supervised probation. She entered a guilty plea to a misdemeanor count of cruelty to animals.

The below Blog post was taken from:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The 145(?) Wilkesboro dogs are gone, dead, deceased, destroyed, euthanized, killed, put to rest, murdered, at peace, slaughtered, put to sleep ... Choose your description.
A few days ago I made a special trip to the shelter as I was asked to help put down a couple of code 597 (cruelty case) American Bulldogs that had spent their lives on chains and concrete. They looked like they were ten years old, but in reality were more like three. Their ears and tails cut off, sores abound, and starving. They were used as guard dogs and had displayed such characteristics in the kennels, so weren't really right for this world anymore, but I was able to get them out separately for play sessions to make their last minutes as happy as possible before their end.
We knew it was the right thing to do, but nonetheless, it sucks. It's that funny feeling that just sticks with ya for awhile until you aren't sure why you have that odd feeling. You wake up feeling strange, then memory serves ... you killed a couple of dogs yesterday. Not something I have gotten completely used to, don't know if I ever will, and don't know that I ever want to.
So with today's awful news, my mind went right back to the euthanasia room. The Wilkesboro shelter workers must have gone into overtime with this enormous task. Seventy some beautiful adult dogs, and sixty some beautiful puppies (all deemed dangerous without evaluation due to their address, as they lived with a felony dogfighter). I can't help but wonder how those people are doing who were basically forced to kill all these innocent dogs.
Who gets to do the awful deed; the dirty work? The low-wage shelter workers who have no say in the matter; usually the same people who have cared for these dogs, who've gotten to know the dogs and have seen for themselves how truly wonderful most of them are. How are they feeling right now? I think I know.

1 comment:

  1. to the dumb ass that blamed ed for what a so called up standing citizen chose to do that he did not have to do. Yes, the freaking judge. if you want to be outraged be ouraged a tthese older white men who will not listen to reason and think it's cool to kill the dogs. Not because their excsuse to do so is sound but because the real reason they do so is that they wish the breed did not exist and killing as many as possible to them is seen as a good thing to do. where is the uproar from all the humaniacs that know this is wrong ??? where are the new stATUTES that say no dog of any breed can be killed/put down unless they prove to be vicious towards people in an unprovoked way ???
    exactly my point. fake animal lovers, fake dog lovers, fake judges and fake animal welfare organizations are all guilty and have blood on their hands.
